Role Play Title

Configuration for the Role Play Title

Edit the HUD and open the Config notecard.

You will see that there are 5 notecards that begin with the letters on the HUD Buttons: "K", "N", "T", "S" and "*". And that these letters are followed by the names of animations. All configuration is in the titles of these notecards, not inside them. The Asterisk notecard does not have an animation assigned to it, so you can start your personalization by assigning your favorite own pose animation. Simply right click on the notecard and rename it to something like: "* bellydance" (The name must be spelled exactly as it is in your Open Collar).

Overloading Buttons

Buttons assignments can be "overloaded" to trigger up to 4 animations;

To do this just add more animation names to the notecard for the letter you want to overload. Be sure to separate each name using a semi-colon ( ";" )/

N  nadu;naduw;naduw2;naduw3
T  tower
K  kneel;kneel2
S  subsit;submit;submission
*  beautystand;bellydance

IMPORTANT: The animation names must be spelled exactly as named in the contents of your Open Collar. And, as there can be spaces in the names of the animations, do not include extra spaces in the before or after the semi-colons. WRONG: N nadu;naduw ; naduw2


I have a pose animation that is not in Open Collar, can I use it?

Your Open Collar is fully modifiable, so you can replace or add animations in it. Just copy the animation into the Contents of your Open Collar and it will then appear in your collar's Pose Menus.

To access it from this HUD, put the new animation's name in the title of one of this HUD's button configuration notecards. You can assign it to the Asterisk button (as described above) or "overload" one of the other buttons.

Installing to HUD to open from the left

As shipped the HUD will attach to the right side of your screen and open to the left. To attach the HUD to the left side of your screen, you can edit the HUD object and rotate the HUD 180 degrees.

  1. Right Click the HUD and select Edit;
  2. Press the Ctrl Key on your keyboard and the red, green and blue arrows will change to circles
  3. Put your mouse cursor on the BLUE circle and drag to the right or left to turn the HUD completely around.
  4. You don't need to be very precise about this, you just need to be able to see and touch the other side of the HUD.
  5. Click the X in the upper corner of the Edit Panel to close it.
  6. Touch the newly exposed side of the Pose HUD. If it is not exactly aligned (you didn't get the rotationexactly 180 degrees), it will be once you close it.
  7. Now drag the HUD to a location on the other side of your screen.

I attached the HUD but cannot see it on my screen

The HUD is shipped to display at the attachment point. This means that if you attach it an edge, e.g. Top Right, Bottom Left, it will be in the very corner of your screen

If fact you may not see it at all, or see only a small part of it. Here is how to adjust this.

  1. Find the HUD in your inventory where is it shown as worn
  2. Right click the name and select Edit.
  3. Scroll 'down' with your mouse wheel, or zoom out (alt key with the cursor on some other HUD on your screen). You will see a white rectangle that represents the normally visible screen area. They HUD will be just outside this area.
  4. If not already selected, touch the HUD.
  5. Now use the green and blue arrows and drag the HUD inside the white rectangle to where you want it to be.
  6. Click the X in the upper corner of the Edit Panel to close it.

Selecting poses from an overloaded button

When a single animation is configured for a button, touching anywhere inside the button will trigger it. For additional poses, the button is divided into smaller sections for each pose

When two animations are configured for a button, The top half selects the first animation and the bottom half the second.

When three animations are configured for a button, The top half is divided into a left and right selection. areas and the bottom half selects the third

When four animations are configured for a button, The button is divided into four selection areas